"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered."

Sunday, January 31, 2010

2 oops in 1 ride!

  I wish Charlie, Jason and Jeremy the best in this week's Arrowhead 135.  Good on ya boys!

  Apparently in our delirium, Tim and I became confused and tried to enter the wrong event . . .

  We were willing, but the dogs just wouldn't have us (perhaps because of my orange bike?)

  Further homeward bound adventure . . . actual unretouched photo of bike detritus . . .

  Yes boys and girls, my bike actually ended up this way.  Fortunately for me, I was not on it.  (Tim said later I was going a little too fast for that corner . . .) We'll probably laugh about that one for a while.

  Yesterday was also drama.  Seems I let my water freeze.  195 minutes, at full gas is too long to go without water.

  Today when I got home:  serious cramps.  Thanks to Claire who made me drink pickle juice.  It really does work. 

  From now on, on all long rides, pickle juice will be my constant companion.

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